Blessed Sacrament Church offers many opportunities to sing in choir, based on language, age, music style, and mass time. Some choirs also feature instrumentalists and speaking roles. There might be a spot just right for you!
- English, Spanish, Vietnamese
- Adult, Youth, Children
- Traditional, Contemporary, Folk, Praise
- Sunday Mornings, Saturday and Sunday Evenings

Why Join Choir?
1. Give back – perform a service to your church, to your community, and to the Lord.
2. Stay healthy – medical professionals say people who sing live longer, healthier lives!
3. Meet new friends – many life-long friendships began in choir.
4. Have fun – we work hard, yet our choir rehearsals, performances, retreats and outings are joyous, entertaining, and fun!
5. Be challenged – the effort you put in to learn, rehearse and perform music reaps many satisfying rewards.
6. Learn to read music – at your own pace (you don’t need to know anything to start).
7. Enhance your prayer life – St. Augustine said, “When you sing, you pray twice.”
8. Set an example – be role models for children by participating in the life of your church.
9. Learn about Catholicism – deepen your understanding of the Liturgy, the Mass, religious texts, Church history, and sacred music traditions.
10. Prepare for high school or college – this one is especially for students seeking to improve skills, develop technique, gain experience, and prepare for music auditions.
11. Sing solo (optional) – while no one is ever put on the spot, there are frequent opportunities for soloists and other leadership roles.
12. Eat food – yes, we come together and celebrate with snacks, treats and meals, often!
Choir Contact Information
Quang Nguyen: (8:00 A.M. Sunday, Traditional, Adult/High School/Age 14+) [email protected]
Lore Campos: (714) 589-3273
[email protected]
Lam Doan: [email protected]